Well...here we are about to start another year. I remember back in the 90's when we thought the year 2000 and beyond would be so different. It seemed like such a major change to go from the 90's to 2000. Here it is now turning to 2008 and still no flying cars! I hope that I can actually accomplish the goals I have set for myself since I haven't done very well the last two years.
We took Alton to the doctor today. He has been extremely grumpy and waking up about four times a night. It turns out he has an ear infection. He started on antibiotics so hopefully he will be back to his happy smiley self very soon.
I don't remember how much I have written on my blog about what I have been going through since the baby was born. I have been in almost constant pain since he was about three weeks old. I have gone through different tests and seen different doctors to try and figure out what is going on. I saw my OB/GYN three weeks ago and he said he thought I had nerve damage so he prescribed a medication to help. But... my stupid insurance wont pay for it. So I had to get something else prescribed. Long story short I just got the medication today and started taking it. It makes me feel really weird. I took this same medication about 5 years ago and I don't remember feeling like this. But then again I have a very bad memory. (Probably from all the brain cells I killed doing drugs) Justin said it made me feel weird for a while so hopefully this wont last long and I can get over this. I am SO sick of being in pain all the time. It is hard to take care of my kids and do all the things I need to when I just want to crawl in bed and not feel the pain any more.
Have a safe and happy new year! If this doesn't make sense or there are a lot of mistakes it's because of this drug. Sorry!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sometimes I feel like I'm looking at my life through a window. I wonder how I got where I am and if the things I've accomplished actually mean anything.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
If it's not one thing it's another!
I took Alton to the ENT yesterday so that we could figure out why his breathing is so raspy. The doctor said that he has laryngomalacia which is when the soft, immature cartilage of the upper larynx collapses inward during inhalation, causing airway obstruction and most commonly causing a characteristic high-pitched squeaking noise. He said that if it doesn't go away in three months he needs to come back and they will do a scope. I'm really hoping that it will go away by itself so that he doesn't have to undergo any unpleasant procedures. Orin also had his post-op appointment at the same time and his tongue has healed and looks really great. I'm glad that's all over with.
I really worry about Alton. I feel like I am always taking him to the doctor for something or other. He is different from all of my other kids. He just seems to be slightly off. My other kids all did things basically the same, but not him. I worry that he will have health problems through out his life judging how the last five months have been. It's not like he's really unhealthy or anything he's just different. When I told my Mom that we were going to have a baby she said that she felt like this baby was going to be very special. I don't know what that means but I keep waiting for something to manifest itself to explain that. Maybe I'm just being a Mom and worrying. I really hope that's what it is because look how stinkin cute he is!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Little Eadie Beetle

People are drawn to her. She is loved and adored. Her long, dark hair is her most distinguishing feature, and the envy of her sister and I. Her eyes are so dark they are almost black. She misses me when I'm away for too long and greets me with a big hug. She is shy and quiet. She is a beauty, I love her and I'm so glad that she's mine.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Poor little senator
We went and had the surgery yesterday and things went really well. He looked so cute in his little hospital gown. I wish that I would have brought the camera. The doctor couldn't believe how tight his tongue was. He said it came out about an inch once he cut it. Things have been pretty hard since we got home from the surgical center. He cries everytime he tries to eat anything because it hurts so much. Right after we got home he wanted to eat so I got him some smashed up banana and he started to eat it and then cried. He said "Can you get the owwie out?" I felt so bad. This morning I couldn't even get him to take any pain medicine to help him. I hope he will feel better soon. I really hate to see him so miserable and in pain.