Welcome baby Henry, we can't wait to meet you!
9 lbs 11 oz.
19 inches
Isn't orange a happy color? (Not when it's your hair color)
Today Alton stood on his own for the first time. Well, he's technically stood before but not for a long amount of time. I was walking him into his room and I let go. He stood there and then kind of looked at me like "Mom, am I supposed to be doing this." It was so cute.
Eadie graduated from preschool on the 21st. She did such a good job in the program. Half the time she was the only one I could hear singing. She had two speaking parts which she memorized in only a day. She looked so adorable dancing to the songs.I wish that I would have got this dance on tape. It was so hilarious, my Mom & I were both laughing so hard. Eadie and the boy next to her in the striped polo were great dancers. It was great. I really wish the battery on my camera hadn't been running out.
I have spent a lot of time this week thinking about life and death. I have had two people I know die this week. I also had a friend give birth this week. It makes me so sad to think that on the same day one person is at the mortuary planning her husband's funeral, while the other is at the hospital welcoming her new baby. Sometimes life seems so unfair. You never know what's going to happen. Life is unpredictable. Hold on to every moment you have.
I'm undergoing some blog changes, so please be patient as I decide what the freak I'm doing. So if you get on here and it looks weird I'm probably in the middle of something. Sorry!