Justin got out the carpet cleaner to scrub a few spots and Alton was fascinated. He wanted to do the cleaning, and took over. Alton and Teya actually fought over who got to scrub. Why don't they fight over cleaning up the toys?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Straw hat
Monday, January 26, 2009
Eadie made this picture one night on Teya's lite-brite. The blue part is the sky. The yellow is the sun. The purple and orange in the middle are a flower. The green is the stem. The orange on the bottom right is a cat. And the red on the bottom left is a rabbit.
She was very proud of how well she did and I told her that I would take a picture of it and put it on my blog. Her response was "Wouldn't that be cool if I became famous for it?"
What a cutie!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I went back and saw the doctor today about my shoulder. I don't have to go to physical therapy anymore since my range of motion is almost back to normal. I got another cortisone injection. He said if I have any more problems with it in the next month then he wants to do surgery. Hopefully it will behave.
While I was there I showed him a bump that I noticed about a month ago in my left ring finger. He said it was a cyst and drained it. That hurt like a mother. He put three different needles in, which was quite unpleasant. It's all bruised up and I can't straighten my finger. He said that sometimes they come back. If it does and it's still bothering me than he can take it out. Which would involve surgery again. He said if I had to have surgery on my shoulder he could do my hand at the same time.
I feel like I'm falling apart. I'm a little young for all this hullabaloo don't you think!?
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Just the two of us.
We've spent the last five days with out the kids. Justin's parents were nice enough to take them for us, so that we could have some time alone for our anniversary. We stayed one night at the Plaza in Salt Lake, which was really nice. We've had fun going to the movies, shopping, eating, and just being childless. It's been nice to get a little break, but it's also nice to have the kids home again.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Time flies
It's hard for me to believe that it will be nine years since we've been together and seven that we've been married, on Sunday. Sometimes it seems like it's been forever and other times it seems like we're just barely starting out. I'm so glad that I get to be married to my best friend and that he makes everything seem a little bit better.
Friday, January 9, 2009
I'll never shovel the driveway.
I went and saw the doctor about my shoulder yesterday. He said I have impingement syndrome and adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder). I have a hooked acromion which reduces space and irritates the bursa, and when the bursa or tendons become swollen it causes impingement. It reduces space between the bursa and the acromin, squeezing the soft tissues painfully against the bone. If it stays this way it can tear the rotator cuff.
He gave me a cortisone shot and I have to go to physical therapy. In two weeks I have to go back if it's not feeling better. Then he'll do another cortisone shot. If in two more weeks it still isn't better than he is going to do surgery on it. I am really hoping that it is better by then. I really don't want to have surgery. I have seen several people I know go through shoulder surgery and it does not look fun at all.
I am happy that I don't have to wear the sling anymore. Life is much more difficult when you only have one arm. I wore a hat almost every day for two weeks because I couldn't do my hair.
I'll keep you posted!