Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Is this actually going to take place...EVER!

So, I took Orin to his appointment at the ear, nose and throat doctor. He checked Orin out and then said that when kids get to be his age they like to cut the frenulum during surgery. So once again we were sent home with nothing taking place. However, he is scheduled to have surgery on Wednesday, December 5th. Hopefully things will go well and he will recover quickly. I'm a little nervous about the whole thing since none of my kids have had surgery before. Plus, he is such a mamma's boy I don't know if he's going to let anyone else take care of him besides me. I just might loose my mind if he doesn't.


West Valley Mom said...

Aaron had to have a bead surgicaly removed from his ear, the are mostly asleep when they leave you and just waking when they rejoin you. Best wishes!

JustaComputerGeek said...

Thanks Stace. he was really groggy and pretty mad too!