Thursday, January 22, 2009


I went back and saw the doctor today about my shoulder. I don't have to go to physical therapy anymore since my range of motion is almost back to normal. I got another cortisone injection. He said if I have any more problems with it in the next month then he wants to do surgery. Hopefully it will behave.

While I was there I showed him a bump that I noticed about a month ago in my left ring finger. He said it was a cyst and drained it. That hurt like a mother. He put three different needles in, which was quite unpleasant. It's all bruised up and I can't straighten my finger. He said that sometimes they come back. If it does and it's still bothering me than he can take it out. Which would involve surgery again. He said if I had to have surgery on my shoulder he could do my hand at the same time.

I feel like I'm falling apart. I'm a little young for all this hullabaloo don't you think!?


Unknown said...

you are the lovelest falling a part person I know.